A Rugrats Retrospective: Tommy’s First Birthday

Congratulations! A new Baby New Year has been born. Cherish it, because, as it grows up, it’ll have plenty of surprises for you: blessings, challenges, and frustrations. Regardless, we’ve been given a gracious gift, and it’s up to us to live up to the responsibilities that come with it, slowly improving ourselves and moving forward every day. If we make the most of it, this year might just grow up to be a good one.

Since we’re talking about babies, I thought it might be a good time to bring up a journaling project I’ve been working on about the show Rugrats (because, you know,…babies).  Even though we’re moving forward into a new year, I hope that we never forget the value of gleaning from the past on occasion, which I hope this project will help me do more of.    Continue reading